Monday, December 13, 2010

St. Lucy

It's a quiet winter day here in Laguna beach, and I feel like I don't have much to write about. Looking for inspiration, I looked through a few of the books on my desk and checked email. Aha. The "saint of the day" email I subscribe to informed me that December 13 is the feast day of St. Lucy, also know as St. Lucia. Not a lot is known about her, except that she was a young woman trying to live a life of virtue in pagan Sicily during the Diocletian persecution. She pledged her virginity to God, and was "outed" as a Christian by a disappointed suitor when she refused to marry him and gave her dowry to the poor. Subsequently, she was executed in 304 A.D. She is known as the patron saint of the blind on account of the grotesque manner in which she was martyred, which I don't really want to go into here because it makes me queasy.

Lucy, Lucia, Lux:
The girl who said,
You cannot bend my will to your purpose.

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