Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Graduate

Earlier today I attended a brunch in honor of Morea Arthur, the daughter of our good friends Gary and Lisa Arthur. Mo, who just graduated from Laguna Beach High School, has been a much-loved babysitter and math tutor for my boys during the years that we have known her. She is a gifted, lovely young woman and I wish her every good thing as she heads off to college! I took this picture when Mo, with her sisters and dad, performed a few songs on her new sound system, which was a graduation present.

friends gather to toast
Morea: math whiz, songbird,

1 comment:

  1. mo is a wonder.listening to her pray - she had the session just before me in the upper room on wednesdays - was a gift. her heart is so open, dear and true.
    i am so blessed continually to know her and her family.
    thanks for writing this siss. and that photo is a keeper.
